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The irish travellers are the largest minority in ireland. there are about 25,000 irish travellers in ireland and 1,300 in northern ireland. they are a little understood nomadic community, who have many difficulties to overcome if they are to survive as a culture and gain acceptance into irish society. among the challenges facing them are poverty and racism. the irish travellers are a distinct ethnic group which has existed for centuries. often they are mistakenly considered part of the nomadic romani, an ethnic group which originated in the region of india and is now widespread throughout europe. but the irish travellers are indigenous to ireland, so the two cultures are not related. while both are nomadic, the irish travellers are roman catholic and speak a language that is theirs alone. they have their own culture, customs, traditions, and language. they are noted for their musical and storytelling abilities. in times past, they travelled by horse-drawn wagon in caravans, making camp along the way. tinsmithing, horse trading and peddling were the major sources of income in those days. tinsmiths were so prevalent among irish travellers that the terms tinker and irish traveller were used interchangeably. today, tinker is one of many names for irish travellers. horses and wagons have given way to mobile homes pulled by motor vehicles. they continue their life on the road, but there are fewer places to stop and fewer places where they are welcome. today, irish travellers mainly work in recycling. changing needs of society and progress have eliminated the jobs that could support a culture on wheels. irish travellers are poor, undereducated, and on the receiving end of discrimination. their life expectancy is lower than average while their infant mortality rate is higher than average. as is the case with the romani, the irish travellers are seen by many as a group of immoral, ignorant criminals and con artists. people distrust their nomadic culture and their language, shelta. many think it's a secret language specifically developed as a tool to help the irish travellers trick innocent people. but this is not true. it is an old language, which has evolved with time and circumstances. once heavily infused with irish gaelic, it is now infused with english. they were called tinkers, which is now ... for them.

Прочитайте предложенный текст: banks are among the most important financial institutions. the way in which a bank is organized and operates is determined by its objectives. the first and the most important function of a central bank is to accept responsibility for advising the government on the making of the country’s financial policy, and then to see that it is carried out. the aim of commercial banks is to earn profit. over the years banks have developed organizational forms, or structures, designed to perform these various roles and to supply the services their customers demand. a commercial bank which provides the same range of services year after year is less likely to be successful. successful competing in the constantly changing global business environment requires market-driven strategies that are responsive to customers’ needs and wants. executives who do not recognize the changes occurring in the vast array of markets for products and services will not be able to cope with the unprecedented competitive pressure in the market place. to improve competitive advantages they are drastically altering their business and marketing strategies which may include downsizing, repositioning, market segmentation, altering the business portfolio, pricing, promotion and strategic alliances between companies. with the global increase in the number of competitors banks face in their major markets, more and more banking firms have become market-driven and more alert to the changing service demands of their customers and also to the challenges posed by bank and nonbank competitors. this trend forced bank managers to become more concerned with service marketing activities and with profitability and growth. banks are usually organized to follow their functions and supply the services as efficiently as possible. moreover, as larger banks generally offer more services, a bank’s size is also a significant factor in determining how banks are organized. выберите единственно правильный ответ на вопрос: successful competition in the market of bank services presupposes …

Прочитайте текст и устно переведите его. выберите единственно правильный ответ к поставленному вопросу. when deciding questions of diversification and simplification, marketers must also look at the potential size of a market, at the financial position and practices of their firm, and at the resources available. all these elements influence the breadth of the product line. determining where to position particular products is an impor¬tant marketing decision. an item such as deodorant may be introduced specifically as a men`s or women`s product, but later may be repositioned as a family product. in addition to positioning with respect to consumer seg¬ments, marketing managers position their products with respect to the competition. a magazine publisher may wish to position a publication so as to challenge the leader in a given market. changes in format, emphasis, or editorial policy can appeal to the same consumer interests that buy the leader if, in this example, the result is also to appeal to a market which is more affluent and more quality-conscious, the price will be raised. this process is known as trading up. another aspect of product policy, particularly relevant to con¬sumer goods marketers, deals with brands. branding is commonly used by marketers to influence consumers` perceptions and is closely related to the issue of positioning. it identifies merchandise and differentiates it from competing products. the marketer hopes for sales stability due to consumer loyalty to the brand. ideally, this occurs when consumers are so satisfied with the merchandise that they note and remember the brand. when a manufacturer sells more than one product, there is a brand choice issue. a firm which merchandises many types of soap may choose individual brands for each of its products. the hand soap, dish detergent, clothes detergent, and scouring powder will all be labeled with different brand names. what is the purpose of branding?

Прочитайте предложенный текст и выберите единственно правильный ответ в каждом задании. price, along with product, place, and promotion, are the variables that the marketing manager controls. pricing is extremely important since it so directly affects an organization`s sales and profits. naturally, profit objectives will guide pricing decisions. the marketing manager has to decide whether to maximize profits or establish a target return. a particular target might be a certain percentage return on sales or a certain percentage return on investment or, for a small family operation, the return might be a fixed dollar amount of profit to cover overhead and living expenses. with any objective, the time factor is crucial. what is an appropriate objective for the short-term may not be for the long-term and vice-versa. marketers are concerned with all the factors affecting price, in order to keep their products from faring poorly in a widely variable atmosphere. even in service areas such as passenger fares and freight rates, where detailed prices are printed and distributed, influences may cause fluctuation. the marketing manager knows that the costs of the separate elements of the marketing mix can be recovered by proper pricing. the cost of the product itself—the promotion and selling associated with it, the distribution expenses, and profit — are all directly related to price. thus price knits together the elements of the marketing mix and pays for their respective contributions. the marketing manager must analyze and reconcile the various elements of those variables which influence price, and must then decide on an optimal price policy. the most fundamental part of any marketing analysis is the recognition of the competitive structure of the industry. where there are many competitors offering the same type of product, price competition will be active. when there are great numbers of similar offerings, products tend to lose their individuality. then differentiation becomes difficult, and marketers have little discretionary power to influence prices. it is in this circumstance that marketers and merchants alike look to sales techniques. disposing of goods at reduced prices draws attention to the specific brand, in the hope that customers will continue to buy when prices return to "normal." when do maketers start looking for new selling techniques?

Прочитайте предложенный текст и выберите единственно правильный ответ most well-run organizations attempt to develop and follow strategies, large-scale action plans for interacting with the environment in,order to achieve long-term goals. a comprehensive statement of an organization`s strategies, along with`its mission arid goals, constitutes an organization`s strategic plan. to learn where such strategies originate and how they are put in action, we need to examine carefully an aspect of the planning function called strategic management. strategic management is a process through which managers formulate and implement strategies geared to optimizing strategic goal achievement, given available environmental and internal conditions. this definition recognizes that strategic management is oriented toward reaching long-term goals, weighs important environmental elements, considers major internal characteristics of the organization, and involves developing specific strategies. the strategic management process is made up of several major components. the process begins with identifying the organization`s mission and strategic goals. the process also includes analyzing the competitive situation, taking into consideration both the external environment and relevant organizational factors. the part of the strategic management: process triat includes identifying the mission and strategic goals, conducting competitive analysis, and developing specific strategies is often referred to as strategy formulation. in contrast, the part of the strategic management process that focuses on carrying out strategic plans and maintaining control over how those plans are carried out is known as strategy implementation. strategy implementation is increasingly highlighted as a distinct part of the strategic management process because even the most brilliantly formulated strategies must be implemented effectively in order to reach strategic goals. strategic management process includes …

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